Truth & Love Blog


There is a question we must ask before we ask, WWJD?—What Would Jesus Do? That question is: WWJT?—What Would Jesus Think?

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8 Gospel-Centered New Year Resolutions for 2015

In my January 1, 2015 post, I shared about my resolution to make 2015: The Year of Gospel-Centered Living.  Today, I outline my 8 Gospel-Centered New Year Resolutions for 2015. 1. Resolved: I will seek to discover wisdom for how to live from the wisest person who ever...

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Promoting Lasting, Gospel-Centered Change

I’m happy to commend GCC to any, and all biblical counselors, counselors-in-training, pastors, small group leaders, and anyone interested in learning how the Gospel of Jesus Christ moves in and through the human heart, reconciling man to God, and man to his neighbor.

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Jesus Knows People

I found Gospel-Centered Counseling to be warm and comforting, like having a conversation with a friend. The tenor of the book reflects the heart of a Pastor/Teacher/Counselor who longs to impart loving, biblical truth to the reader.

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