Truth & Love Blog
Ferguson: The Color of Truth
“Do we really want racial healing” as it relates to our social divide?
God’s Healing for Life’s Losses: Seminar, 1/31/15
On January 31, 2015, at Uniontown Bible Church in Union Bridge, MD, from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM, I’ll be sharing my seminar on God’s Healing for Life’s Losses.
Our Desperate Need to Live through Christ
Christ doesn’t just speak words of encouragement to us; He is our Encourager.
5 to Live By: 5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week
5 top Christian blog posts of the week—by Denny Burk, Trevin Wax, Julie Ganschow, Brad Hambrick, & Micahel Kelley
There is a question we must ask before we ask, WWJD?—What Would Jesus Do? That question is: WWJT?—What Would Jesus Think?
9 Views: What Others Are Saying about Gospel-Centered Counseling
Gospel-Centered Counseling: How Christ Changes Lives by Robert Kellemen was by far the best book on biblical counseling I read in 2014.
8 Gospel-Centered New Year Resolutions for 2015
In my January 1, 2015 post, I shared about my resolution to make 2015: The Year of Gospel-Centered Living. Today, I outline my 8 Gospel-Centered New Year Resolutions for 2015. 1. Resolved: I will seek to discover wisdom for how to live from the wisest person who ever...
The Year of Gospel-Centered Living
For me, by Christ’s grace, I want 2015 to be: The Year of Gospel-Centered Living.
Promoting Lasting, Gospel-Centered Change
I’m happy to commend GCC to any, and all biblical counselors, counselors-in-training, pastors, small group leaders, and anyone interested in learning how the Gospel of Jesus Christ moves in and through the human heart, reconciling man to God, and man to his neighbor.
Jesus Knows People
I found Gospel-Centered Counseling to be warm and comforting, like having a conversation with a friend. The tenor of the book reflects the heart of a Pastor/Teacher/Counselor who longs to impart loving, biblical truth to the reader.