Truth & Love Blog
How to Have an Honest Conversation with God: A Series on the Psalms
I’m in the midst of an 8-part sermon series on the Psalms, “How to Have an Honest Conversation with God.” Here are links to resources for the first three sermons.
Reflections on How Christians Make Decisions about Counseling
I’ve been reflecting on comments on the posts where David Murray & I interacted about Depression, Medication, & Biblical Counseling. Here are 2 main thoughts.
Celebrating the Heroes of Black Church History
Sunday, February 9, 2014, from 10:15-11:30 AM, Join Cornerstone Community Church in Hobart, IN in Celebrating the Heroes of Black Church History
Depression, Medication, and Biblical Counseling
Free 24-Page PDF on Depression, Medication, and Biblical Counseling
Is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy the Same as Biblical Mind/Heart Renewal?
Don’t go to those who are separated from the life of God to find out how to live wisely for and through God! Why take the shallow scraps from secular thinking when we have the full feast in Christlike thinking?
Can an Unregenerate Cognitive-Behavioral Therapist Be Christ-Centered?
“Can Unregenerate Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists Provide Christ-Centered, Gospel-Saturated, Grace-Focused, Jesus-like Counseling?”
David Murray and Bob Kellemen Interact about Depression
Two friends interact about a compassionate, comprehensive biblical approach to helping people who struggle with depression.
“I’m Thinking about Going to the Doctor for Depression Meds”—What Is a Compassionate, Comprehensive Response?
A friend says to you, “I’m thinking about going to the doctor for depression meds.” What would your compassionate, comprehensive response sound like?
3 Christian Influences on Martin Luther King, Jr.
As we celebrate Martin Luther King Day, few are aware of the legacy of three Christians whose courageous lives influenced his life. Today we learn the rest of the story.
Are You a Church Pioneer or a Church Settler?
How do you make church choices for your family—like a pioneer or like a settler?