Truth & Love Blog

Family Worship

“Every Christian family ought to be as it were a little church,” Jonathan Edwards.

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How to Care Like Christ

What do we do after the hug? People come to you, they’re hurting. Or, they’re struggling with a besetting sin. You pray for them. You hug them. But what do you do next?

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Breaking Bad or Shifting Bad: A Gospel-Centered Perspective

The Emmy-winning AMC show, Breaking Bad, ended its five-season run Sunday night. As I reflect on this intense drama, I’m asking one primary question from several angles. “Is movement from good to bad a gospel-centered picture of the human heart in need of grace?”

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When Hallmark Is a Hallmark of Sin

Where have we come as a society where Hallmark—The Heart of TV—is depicting the human heart where God is irrelevant and sex before marriage is the norm? Where have we come as a society where the channel Where Great Stories Come to Life totally ignores the Greatest Story Ever Told?

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