Truth & Love Blog
Family Worship
“Every Christian family ought to be as it were a little church,” Jonathan Edwards.
Equipped to Care
Where do you go to be equipped to speak the truth in love?
5 to Live By: 5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week
5 top Christian blog posts of the week—posts on prayer, freedom from porn, nouthetic counseling, worship, & more.
Why Do Churches Grow?
What makes churches grow? What are some of the marks of a healthy church?
How to Care Like Christ
What do we do after the hug? People come to you, they’re hurting. Or, they’re struggling with a besetting sin. You pray for them. You hug them. But what do you do next?
Breaking Bad or Shifting Bad: A Gospel-Centered Perspective
The Emmy-winning AMC show, Breaking Bad, ended its five-season run Sunday night. As I reflect on this intense drama, I’m asking one primary question from several angles. “Is movement from good to bad a gospel-centered picture of the human heart in need of grace?”
Biblical Callings, Responsibilities, and Qualifications of a Pastor
As a Pastoral Search Team, rather than focus on our opinions or feelings about the profile of our next pastor, we have been studying the Scriptures together.
Supporting the NANC Proposed Name Change
The National Association of Nouthetic Counselors has proposed changing their name to The Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. Learn why.
5 to Live By: 5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week
5 top Christian blog posts of the week—posts on leadership, criticism, victory over porn, prayer, and pastoral ministry.
When Hallmark Is a Hallmark of Sin
Where have we come as a society where Hallmark—The Heart of TV—is depicting the human heart where God is irrelevant and sex before marriage is the norm? Where have we come as a society where the channel Where Great Stories Come to Life totally ignores the Greatest Story Ever Told?