Truth & Love Blog
5 to Live By: 5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week
Linking you to 5 top Christian posts of the week—posts on Miley Cyrus, Gossip, Flawed Leaders, & Bad Hiring Practices.
Gospel-Centered Suffering: God Helps Those Who Admit They Can’t Help Themselves
The world says, “God helps those who help themselves.” The Word says, “God helps those who admit they can’t help themselves.”
Gospel-Centered Suffering: Clinging to God Our Sustainer
When life overwhelms us, when it’s too much to handle, that’s exactly the time when we cry out for help to the God of all comfort.
The Pathway to Hope Often Straddles the Precipice of Despair
Gospel-Centered Self-Counsel for Suffering: Moving beyond our suffering first requires moving into our suffering.
Gospel-Centered Self-Counsel for Suffering
The gospel of Christ’s grace deals thoroughly both with the sins we have committed and with the evils we have suffered.
Honoring Randy Patten
How has God used Randy Patten in your life and ministry?
The Pathway to Hope Often Straddles the Precipice of Despair
The gospel of Christ’s grace deals thoroughly both with the sins we have committed and with the evils we have suffered.
2 Essential Differences Between Biblical Counselors and Christian Integrative Counselors
I was reflecting more on 2 essential differences between biblical counselors and Christian Integrative Counselors…
10 Posts on Biblical Counseling and Christian Integrative Counseling
Many people have been asking for all the links in the recent series on Biblical Counseling and Christian Integrative Counseling. Here they are!
5 to Live By: 5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week
Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week: on overcoming pornography, conflict resolution, new leadership at CCEF, and more.