Truth & Love Blog
Spiritual Laser Surgery: Fixing Our Focus on Jesus, Part 2
Jesus enters into the experience of our misery; He feels the heartache of our temptation; He has a compassionate heart of fellow feelings with us.
Spiritual Laser Surgery: Fixing Our Focus on Jesus
The Bible teaches that there is one primary reason why our spiritual eyesight gets out of focus—blurred vision about who Christ truly is.
A Prayer for Sunday Worship: Psalm 66
Shout for joy to God, all the earth! Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious.
Book Recommendation for the Counselor’s Ministry: Shame Interrupted
Shame Interrupted is not only the book on understanding and addressing shame from a Christian perspective, it is a classic example of how any author can trace a biblical “concept” of a “life issue” and share Christ-centered insights for living.
5 Posts on Suicide Prevention and Grieving a Suicide
Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living. In light of the tragic death of Matthew Warren, the son of Kay and Rick Warren, this week I highlight posts related to suicide prevention and grieving a loved one lost by suicide.
4 Reviews of Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling
The contributors to Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling do an excellent job demonstrating the relationship between theology and counseling.
40 Author Bios for Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling
I’d like to introduce you to our 40 authors for Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling plus David Powlison who graciously penned the Foreword.
Ask the Counselor: Suicide, Salvation, and Eternal Security
Today I want to address the question of suicide, salvation, and eternal security.
Pray for Rick and Kay Warren
At times like these, there really are no words, but there is the Word. There is no manual, but there is Emmanuel. God is with us.
Resources for Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Justin Holcomb at The Resurgence has provided an extremely helpful list of resources for Sexual Assault Awareness Month that he is making available with direct links.