by Bob | Aug 28, 2015 | Biblical Counseling, Gospel Conversations, Gospel-Centered Counseling, Jay Adams
An Announcement from Bob: Book 13 is here! That’s right my 13th book, Gospel Conversations: How to Care Like Christ, has been released by Zondervan. You can order an autographed copy at 40% off here. And you can learn more about Gospel Conversations here. And, you can...
by Bob | Apr 27, 2015 | Beyond the Suffering, Biblical Counseling, Pastoral Counseling
Ask any pastor (as numerous surveys have done) what is the most difficult and even intimidating aspect of their ministry, and they will tell you “pastoral counseling.” Any opportunity I get, I love equipping pastors for pastoral counseling. Sometimes that involves an...
by Bob | Apr 24, 2015 | Biblical Counseling, Gospel Imperatives, Gospel Indicatives, Sanctification
A Word from Bob: You’re reading Part 1 of an RPM Ministries blog mini-series on sanctification—how we grow through Christ’s grace to become more like Christ. I’ve developed my thoughts in this blog series from chapters 15 and 16 of Gospel-Centered Counseling: How...
by Bob | Apr 20, 2015 | Biblical Counseling, Gospel-Centered Counseling, Jay Adams
Theology for Counseling and Life It was 1979 when Jay Adams authored A Theology of Christian Counseling: More Than Redemption. A generation ago, Dr. Adams called the book “a first attempt to consider a biblical theology of counseling.” In October 2014, Zondervan...
by Bob | Mar 31, 2015 | Biblical Counseling, Depression, Mental Illness
A friend of mine recently sent me a blog post from about a year ago entitled Is Mental Illness Actually Biblical? I read that post and one that preceded it and one that followed it. All three are penned by Stephen Altrogge and posted at the Blazing Center. I’ve read...
by Bob | Feb 18, 2015 | Biblical Counseling, Mental Illness, Pastoral Ministry
During my presentation at ACBC and at the Faith Biblical Counseling Training Conference on Mental Illness and the Church, I addressed God’s call to all of us as His shepherds. God’s Shepherds: Caring for God’s Fragile and Frail Flock—Ezekiel 34:1-16 In Ezekiel...