by Bob | Feb 17, 2015 | Biblical Counseling, Luther, Martin Luther, Mental Illness
During my presentation at ACBC and at the Faith Biblical Counseling Training Conference on Mental Illness and the Church, I noted that: One of the failures of the modern evangelical church is our tendency to start over from scratch each generation. We fail to glean...
by Bob | Feb 14, 2015 | Biblical Counseling, Mental Illness
At the 2014 Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC) annual conference, and at the 2015 Faith Biblical Counseling Training Conference, I presented on: Mental Illness and the Church: Developing a Compassionate and Comprehensive Biblical Counseling Response...
by Bob | Jan 26, 2015 | Biblical Counseling, Book Review, Gospel-Centered Counseling
Pastor Dave Dunham recently posted a thorough review of Gospel-Centered Counseling: How Christ Changes Lives. You can read the entire review at Dave’s site here. In part, Pastor Dunham writes: I really appreciate Dr. Kellemen. I appreciate him in particular...
by Bob | Jan 19, 2015 | Biblical Counseling, Gospel Conversations
Someone shares a deep hurt with us… What do we do after the hug? Someone is candid with us about a besetting sin they’re struggling with… What do we do after we pray with them? This Monday-Friday, I’ll be in Lafayette, Indiana at Faith Bible Seminary teaching a...
by Bob | Jan 5, 2015 | Biblical Counseling, Book Review, Gospel-Centered, Gospel-Centered Counseling
Would you like to know what others are saying about Gospel-Centered Counseling? Here’s your chance. I’ve collated below links to 9 reviews, along with excerpts from each review. If these review excerpts spark your interest, and you’d like to learn more about...
by Bob | Dec 31, 2014 | Biblical Counseling, Book Review, Gospel-Centerd Counseling
A Guest Post by Joshua Waulk A Note from Bob: I’m grateful for everyone who is participating in the blog tour for Gospel-Centered Counseling. Among these is biblical counselor, Joshua Waulk. In addition to this guest post which you can read below, you can read...