Depression, Medication, and Biblical Counseling I’ve collated my four posts related to Depression, Medication, and Biblical Counseling into a free two-dozen-page PDF that you can download here. Also, if you would like to read the original posts, or send the links to...
Can an Unregenerate Cognitive-Behavioral Therapist Be Christ-Centered? My short answer: “No.” Longer answer to follow. But why am I even asking the question? My friend, David Murray, recently posted, Is Cognitive-Behavior Therapy from the Devil? His post was in...
A Word from Bob A couple of days ago, my friend, David Murray posted: I’m Thinking about Going to the Doctor for Depression Meds. Then yesterday I posted: “I’m Thinking about Going to the Doctor for Depression Meds”—What Is a Compassionate, Comprehensive Response? ...
“I’m Thinking about Going to the Doctor for Depression Meds”—What Is a Compassionate, Comprehensive Response? My friend, David Murray, recently shared an important blog post entitled, I’m Thinking about Going to the Doctor for Depression Meds. David began his post...
The Second Annual Edition Note from Bob: You’re reading Part Two of my list of the 20 most important biblical counseling books in 2013. You can read Part One here. In January or December of each new year, I craft my list of the most important biblical counseling...
The Second Annual Edition In December or January of each new year, I craft my list of the most important biblical counseling books published the previous year. They may be books about biblical counseling, or by biblical counselors, or they may be books that serve as...