by Bob | Apr 22, 2013 | Biblical Counseling, David Murray, Jay Adams, Mental Illness, Nouthetic, Nouthetic Counseling
Are Biblical Counselors “Sin Maximizers”? My good friend, David Murray, at his Head/Heart/Hand blog site has provided a number of thoughtful posts on a Christian way of thinking about mental illness. Of particular interest were David’s posts: • Maximizing and...
by Bob | Apr 19, 2013 | Biblical Counseling, Biblical Counseling Coalition, Mental Illness, Rick Warren, Suicide
Mental Illness and the Church: Guest Post by Jeremy Pierre and the Biblical Counseling Coalition Note: The following post by Jeremy Pierre and the Biblical Counseling Coalition is re-posted here with their permission. To read the original post, please visit the BCC’s...
by Bob | Apr 13, 2013 | Biblical Counseling, Book Recommendation, CCEF, Ed Welch
Book Recommendation for the Counselor’s Ministry: Shame Interrupted You’re reading the fourth in a weekly series of posts in which I recommend books for counselors. Shorter than a book review but longer than a tweet, these recommendations will whet your appetite to...
by Bob | Apr 10, 2013 | Biblical Counseling, Book Review, Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling
4 Reviews of Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling It was a rewarding process to serve as managing editor for Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling: Changing Lives with God’s Changeless Truth. A Biblical Counseling Coalition book published by Harvest House, you can...
by Bob | Apr 9, 2013 | Biblical Counseling, Book Reviews, Books, Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling
40 Author Bios for Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling It was a rewarding process to serve as managing editor for Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling: Changing Lives with God’s Changeless Truth. A Biblical Counseling Coalition Book, published by Harvest House, you...
by Bob | Apr 2, 2013 | Biblical Counseling, Book Recommendation, Book Review, Sanctification
Book Recommendation for the Counselor’s Ministry: Christ Formed in You You’re reading the third in a weekly series of posts where I’m recommending books for counselors. Shorter than a book review but longer than a tweet, these recommendations will whet your appetite...