“Cornucopia”? Cornucopia is from the Latin combining two words which means “a horn filled with plenty.” It has come to mean “an abundant, overflowing supply; a variety of resources.” What’s Been My “Cornucopia” Focus the Past Month? I was honored this morning when I...
A Provocative Facebook Post Recently, Pastor Mark Williams, who oversees a nouthetic counseling site on Facebook, posted the following opinion on his nouthetic site and on his personal Facebook page. “Don’t call yourself a biblical counselor if you do not believe the...
What Makes Biblical Counseling Truly Biblical? Until heaven, we will always have debates about what makes biblical counseling truly biblical. I’ve sought to address my convictions about biblical counseling in my post: 6 Biblical Counseling Convictions A Thread on...
Heath Lambert and the Southern Baptist Convention Pastor Heath Lambert is in the midst of a series of blog posts about the sexual abuse crisis in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). Today, he released Part 2. While I am not a Southern Baptist, I am a biblical...
I’m Pondering… These are some initial ponderings—thinking out loud, if you will. Musing. So…ponder with me… You may recall David Powlison’s classic article from 1996, How Do You Help a “Psychologized Counselee”? In his editorial, Powlison discussed biblical...
An Odd Blog Title for a Counselor! Yes. I’m a counselor writing about the impact of bad counseling. Where is this coming from? It is not coming from my own experience of being counseled. I’ve been blessed in that regard—The Counselor Sees a Counselor. Today’s blog...