by Bob | Sep 26, 2011 | 4E Ministry Training Strategy, Biblical Counseling, Equipping Counselors for Your Church, Quotes
Quotes of Note: Christ’s Compelling Calling The following “Quotes of Note” are from Chapters Three and Four of Equipping Counselors for Your Church. These chapters focus on crafting a biblical mission and vision for your biblical counseling ministry. For quotes from...
by Bob | Sep 22, 2011 | 4E Equipping, 4E Ministry Training Strategy, Biblical Counseling, Equipping Counselors for Your Church
Three Testimonies: The Acknowledgements for Equipping Counselors for Your Church Who has impacted your life and ministry for Christ? What testimony would you share about them and their impact? What story would you tell? In the Acknowledgements page for Equipping...
by Bob | Sep 18, 2011 | 4E Equipping, 4E Ministry Training Strategy, Biblical Counseling, Equipping Counselors for Your Church
A Church Of Biblical Counseling In yesterday’s post, Twenty-Four Disciple-Making Champions, I introduced you to the two dozen best practice churches that I researched for Equipping Counselors for Your Church. Throughout each chapter of the book, we learn from these...
by Bob | Sep 17, 2011 | 4E Ministry Training Strategy, Biblical Counseling, Discipleship, Equipping Counselors for Your Church
24 Best Practice Disciple-Making Champions We learn to move from good to great by observing and following the best practices of those who are already great at what they do. That’s why I saturated Equipping Counselors for Your Church with best practice examples and...
by Bob | Sep 15, 2011 | Biblical Counseling, Capital Bible Seminary, MACCD
Ministry for All of Life I’ll be spending the week at Capital Bible Seminary (CBS) in meetings with Ambassador Enterprises. I thought this would be an apropos time to share a few ministry memories from my fifteen years with CBS. Read my first post about CBS:...
by Bob | Sep 12, 2011 | Biblical Counseling, Biblical Counseling Coalition
15 Definitions of Biblical Counseling Note: Many of you know that I have the privilege of serving as the Executive Director of the Biblical Counseling Coalition. In this role, one of my joys has been interviewing leaders in the biblical counseling world. This past...