by Bob | Dec 20, 2010 | 4E Equipping, 4E Ministry Training Strategy, Biblical Counseling, Equipping Counselors for the Local Church
Resources for Equipping Counselors in the Church For my upcoming book Equipping Counselors for the Local Church, I invited two dozen best-practice churches to complete a 4E Ministry Training Strategy Questionnaire. As part of the questionnaire, they responded to the...
by Bob | Dec 8, 2010 | 4E Equipping, 4E Ministry Training Strategy, Biblical Counseling, Equipping, Equipping Counselors for the Local Church
It’s a Book! Yesterday I signed a book contract with P&R Publishing for my sixth book. The working title is Equipping Counselors for the Local Church: The 4E Ministry Training Strategy. P&R is known for publishing books that promote biblical understanding and...
by Bob | Dec 7, 2010 | Biblical Counseling, Biblical Counseling Coalition
The Biblical Counseling Coalition: Latest News Some of you are aware of the ongoing launch of the Biblical Counseling Coalition, some may not be. For all, here’s an update, starting with our statement of mission and vision. The BCC Mission and Vision We are a...
by Bob | Oct 20, 2010 | 4E Equipping, 4E Ministry Training Strategy, Biblical Counseling, Equipping
Eat Your Own Dog Food: Feedback Friends and Writing in Community My good friend, Scott Ryser, the Founder and CEO of Yakabod always talks about how companies should “eat their own dog food.” In other words, “practice what you preach.” I’m following Scott’s advice....
by Bob | Oct 18, 2010 | Biblical Counseling, Biblical Counseling Coalition
Thinking Robustly in Community Many of you know that I’m working with a group of pastors, professors, and educators to launch the new Biblical Counseling Coalition. The following thoughts are my own, not theirs. However, they do come in response to the process of...
by Bob | Oct 3, 2010 | Al Mohler, Biblical Counseling, Steve Viars
A Vision for the Entire Church Where do you turn when you’re hurting? Where do you go when you’re struggle with a besetting sin? For nearly 2,000 years, the answer was: “I turn to the church, to my pastor, and to my brothers and sisters in Christ.” However, since the...