by Bob | Aug 24, 2010 | Biblical Counseling, Listening, Spiritual Friends
Learn Six Biblical Principles of Spiritual Listening: LISTEN The Big Idea: When your friend is hurting or struggling in life, learn how to LISTEN spiritually. Excerpted from Spiritual Friends. Use the following acrostic (LISTEN) to remind yourself of basic components...
by Bob | Aug 13, 2010 | Biblical Counseling, Soul Care, Spiritual Conversations, Spiritual Direction, Spiritual Friends, Spiritual Friendship
How to Build Grace Connections The Big Idea: You’re reading Part Three of a series designed to equip you with five biblical counseling skills using the acrostic GRACE. Read Part One: How to Care Like Christ. Read Part Two: Grace Connections. Excerpted from Spiritual...
by Bob | Aug 12, 2010 | Biblical Counseling, Soul Care, Spiritual Conversations, Spiritual Direction, Spiritual Friends, Spiritual Friendship
Grace Connecting: Exposure without Rejection The Big Idea: You’re reading Part Two of a series designed to equip you with five biblical counseling skills using the acrostic GRACE. Read Part One: How to Care Like Christ. Excerpted from Spiritual Friends. What Grace...
by Bob | Aug 11, 2010 | Biblical Counseling, Spiritual Conversations, Spiritual Direction, Spiritual Friends, Spiritual Friendship
How to Care Like Christ: Offer GRACE The Big Idea: You’re reading Part One of a new blog mini-series designed to equip you with five biblical counseling skills using the acrostic GRACE. Excerpted from Spiritual Friends. What to Do After the Hug When your friend comes...
by Bob | Jun 27, 2010 | Biblical Counseling, CCEF, Ed Welch
Biblical Counseling: Is It Just for Spiritual Problems? My friend, Ed Welch, at the excellent CCEF site posted a very helpful blog this week: Biblical Counseling: Is It Just for Spiritual Problems? In his post, Ed begins to answer that question, and the answer is...
by Bob | Jun 23, 2010 | Biblical Counseling, Christian Living, Marriage
What Causes Our Fights and Quarrels? It’s so easy to think of how big or small my slice of the pie is compared to the next person. Sadly, we bring that same competitive, hoarding spirit into the work of the Spirit. That’s true regarding the Spirit’s work in our...