Dr. Bob “Doc” Smith, passed away this week. Because he was a humble man, many do not know him. Yet, he was one of the early leaders in the emerging biblical counseling movement in the 1970s. Dr. Steve Viars, Sr. Pastor at Faith Church in Lafayette, Indiana, where Doc...
One of the “adages” or sayings or principles in biblical counseling is, “only counsel the person in the room.” For example, if you’re counseling a husband and he’s focused on all the ways his wife has failed him, a biblical counselor might say: “While we’re sorry for...
On my birthday—August 1, 2021—New Growth Press will release my latest book: Consider Your Counsel: Addressing Ten Mistakes in Our Biblical Counseling. For free resources related to the book, click here. To pre-order a copy of Consider Your Counsel, click here. Folks...
A Word from Bob Throughout this post, I’ll use the phrase “nouthetic counseling” because it ties in with someone nouthetically confronting nouthetic counseling as a movement. However, nouthetic confrontation is just a slice of historic biblical counseling....
As biblical counselors, we always want to connect the most relevant biblical passage to our unique counselee’s specific life situation. However, “pet passages” can exert such influence on us that we unhelpfully force them onto people in a one-size-fits-all manner. A...
Saints, Sufferers, and Sinners: Loving Others As God Loves Us by Dr. Mike Emlet (New Growth Press, January 2021) is one of the most important and helpful counseling books since the launch of the biblical counseling movement half-a-century ago. As a...