by Bob | Jun 22, 2009 | Biblical Counseling, Sin, Suffering
Why Some Biblical Counseling Is Only Half BiblicalAddendum: Incompetent to Counsel*Note: If you’re disappointed that I’m saying that some biblical counseling is only half biblical, then please read my comments at the end of my first post in this series:...
by Bob | Jun 18, 2009 | Biblical Counseling, Christian Psychology, Eric Johnson, Guest Blog
The Contributions of Biblical CounselingJune 14th, 2009The following is a post from Society of Christian Psychologists’ Director, Dr. Eric Johnson (Southern Seminary). This is his third post providing thoughts for us from his recent interaction at an Association of...
by Bob | Jun 17, 2009 | Biblical Counseling, Sin, Soul Care, Spiritual Direction, Spiritual Friends, Spiritual Friendship, Suffering
Why Some Biblical Counseling Is Only Half Biblical!Part Thirteen: Not Conclusion, but Commencement*Note: If you’re disappointed that I’m saying that some biblical counseling is only half biblical, then please read my comments at the end of my first post in this...
by Bob | Jun 16, 2009 | Biblical Counseling, Sin, Suffering
Why Some Biblical Counseling Is Only Half Biblical!Part Twelve: Sin-Colored Glasses*Note: If you’re disappointed that I’m saying that some biblical counseling is only half biblical, then please read my comments at the end of my first post in this series:...
by Bob | Jun 16, 2009 | Biblical Counseling, Church, Discipleship, Spiritual Friendship
Why Some Biblical Counseling Is Only Half Biblical!Part Eleven: A Church Of Biblical Counseling*Note: If you’re disappointed that I’m saying that some biblical counseling is only half biblical, then please read my comments at the end of my first post in this series:...
by Bob | Jun 15, 2009 | Biblical Counseling, Emotions, Healing, Sin, Suffering, Sufferology, Sustaining
Why Some Biblical Counseling Is Only Half Biblical!Part Ten: Secluded in Our Ivory Towers*Note: If you’re disappointed that I’m saying that some biblical counseling is only half biblical, then please read my comments at the end of my first post in this series:...