by Bob | May 26, 2009 | Biblical Counseling, Biblical Psychology, Christian Counseling, Christian Psychology, Counseling, Discipleship, Soul Physicians, Theology
Whatever Happened to Truth?Do you need a theological foundation for your people-helping ministry?Do you want to know the seven topics every person must master if they are to do truly biblical ministry?On the first page of my first book, Soul Physicians...
by Bob | May 21, 2009 | Association of Biblical Counselors, Biblical Counseling, Bob Kellemen, Christian Counseling, Christian Psychology, David Powlison, Eric Johnson, Steve Viars
The State of Biblical Counseling Today:Discussing the ABC SymposiumPart III—A Plea for Listening to One Another Note: This is Part Three of a three-part blog mini-series about the Symposium on Biblical Counseling that took place on May 14, 2009 at the Association of...
by Bob | May 19, 2009 | Biblical Counseling, Biblical Psychology, Bob Kellemen, Christian Counseling, Christian Psychology, David Powlison, Eric Johnson, Steve Viars
The State of Biblical Counseling Today: Discussing the ABC Symposium, Part II—The DNA of Biblical CounselingNote: This is Part Two of a several-part blog about the Symposium on Biblical Counseling that took place on May 14, 2009 at the Association of Biblical...
by Bob | May 11, 2009 | Biblical Counseling, Biblical Psychology, Christian Counseling, Soul Care, Soul Physicians, Spiritual Direction, Spiritual Formation, Spiritual Friends
More Praise for Soul PhysiciansTo Order Your Copy at 40% Off, Please Visit:“Soul Physicians is no naїve verse-to-issue, sin-to-solution, mix-and-match biblical counseling reference. This is rich theology relayed in readable terms for...
by Bob | May 6, 2009 | Biblical Counseling, Biblical Psychology, Bob Kellemen, Christian Counseling, Christian Psychology, David Powlison, Eric Johnson, Steve Viars
Biblical Counseling SymposiumAre you interested in the state of modern biblical counseling?Jeremy Lelek, President of the Association of Biblical Counselors, has organized a Biblical Counseling Symposium to address just that issue. What is the state of biblical...
by Bob | Apr 30, 2009 | Biblical Counseling, Death and Dying, God's Healing, Grief, Grieving, Healing, Kellemen, Suffering, Sufferology
God’s Healing for Life’s Losses:How to Find Hope When You’re HurtingPost 42: Conclusion—Creative Suffering or Destructive Suffering? It’s clear that there is a typical way to respond to suffering. That typical way does not typically factor God into the equation.It’s...