“Thank You!” Half-a-Million Times Sometimes I wonder if it is worth it to keep my little “Mom and Pop” RPM Ministries Truth & Love blog site up and running. That’s been especially true since I closed my bookstore and no longer maintain any way to “monetize” my...
“Cornucopia”? Cornucopia is from the Latin combining two words which means “a horn filled with plenty.” It has come to mean “an abundant, overflowing supply; a variety of resources.” What’s Been My “Cornucopia” Focus the Past Month? I was honored this morning when I...
A Word from Bob In 2023, I shared 100 new blog posts—about two posts per week. Listed in order are the 12 most read posts that I posted in 2023. 10 Biblical Principles for Marriage and Marriage Counseling 36 Scripture Passages on Safety and Refuge in God 7 Biblical...
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