Easter…Now What?

Easter…Now What? Though we celebrate Easter on one specific day, the impact of Easter is eternal. Easter changes everything. Easter makes all the difference in this world and the world to come. Why? Just what happened at Easter? What difference does Easter make?   ...

He Is Risen! I’m Risen Too!

He Is Risen! I’m Risen Too! We all love to exchange the traditional Easter greeting:                               “He is risen.” “He’s risen indeed!” The Bible suggests that Christians add another greeting: “He is risen.” “I’m risen, too!” Resurrected with Christ The...

Good Friday: The Wonderful Cross

Good Friday: The Wonderful Cross  Chris Tomlin’s The Wonderful Cross calls us to die to self as Christ died for us.   When I survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of Glory died My richest gain I count but loss And pour contempt on all my pride  See from his...

Holy Week Timeline

Holy Week Timeline  Stephen Smith at Bible Gateway has put together a fascinating Holy Week Timeline Visualization. As he describes it: “Here’s a new visualization we created that harmonizes the four Gospel accounts of Holy Week and lets you examine the ‘who,’ ‘what,’...
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