Clinging to God’s Rope of Hope

God’s Healing for Life’s Losses:How to Find Hope When You’re HurtingPost 24: Clinging to God’s Rope of HopeWaiting is rooted in the Old Testament. The Prophets promised Israel that a better day was coming, later.The New Testament writers develop the waiting motif when...

Hope Waits

God’s Healing for Life’s Losses:How to Find Hope When You’re HurtingPost 23: Hope WaitsYesterday’s journey ended with the Woman at the Well in a dilemma. God told her to wait.So what would “hope” look like in her immediate context? Hoping in God, she would choose...

When God Says “Wait”

God’s Healing for Life’s Losses:How to Find Hope When You’re HurtingPost 22: When God Says “Wait”If the grief process was a direct journey, and it is not, then we would have arrived at the half-way point on our path. Sustaining has been the first “half” of our...

Finding God When We Can’t Find Answers

God’s Healing for Life’s Losses:How to Find Hope When You’re HurtingPost 21: Finding God When We Can’t Find AnswersWhat about you? Yesterday we explored how we can journey with others helping them to move from depression, alienation, and separation to comfort through...

Wreslting with God

God’s Healing for Life’s Losses:How to Find Hope When You’re HurtingPost 19: Wrestling with God Can we biblically support comfort as a legitimate stage of the grieving/healing process?Wrestling with GodJacob’s wrestling match with God certainly illustrates it. Recall...
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