Five to Live By

Five to Live By Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living.  The School of Hard Knocks How does God “educate” us? In many ways, including the proverbial “school of hard knocks.” My...

Five to Live By

Five to Live By  Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living. Can I Change? Paul Tripp explores how God changes us in Big Drama Christianity or…? Does God Have a Good Heart? John Piper’s...

Five to Live By

Five to Live By  Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living. Complete Healing Imagine a blog where every post is a prayer. I have to admit, to my shame, that when I first heard about it,...

Five to Live By: Hope When You’re Hurting

Five to Live By: Hope When You’re Hurting  Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living. This week’s theme centers around finding hope when you’re hurting.  Still Sensitive to the Touch    ...
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