If you’ve been following my updates on my wife, Shirley’s health and recovery/rehab from a stroke (Please Pray for Shirley), then you’ve read about our Prayer Acrostic: HELP H: Heal Shirley’s Body E: Encourage Shirley’s Soul L: Love—Grasp God’s Love P: Peace—Know...
Shirley has been meditating on the following passages—typed in large print and at her bedside. Shirley wanted to share these precious Scriptures with you. To follow updates on Shirley, you can visit this link: Please Pray for Shirley. Psalm 63:6-8 On my bed I...
On Friday, June 4, my dear wife, Shirley, suffered a hemorrhagic (bleed rather than a clot) stroke. I’ve been providing updates on my Facebook personal page. Here they are in chronological order. Please be praying for Shirley. Saturday, June 5, 2021: Please...