by Bob | Nov 20, 2019 | Suffering
A Crystal Clear Image of God Paul uses the Greek word for “comfort” ten times in 2 Corinthians 1:3-7—do you think this may be the theme of these verses? He begins developing his theme by presenting a crystal clear image of God. “Praise be to the God and Father of our...
by Bob | Aug 9, 2016 | Suffering
A Word from Bob: In a recent post, we shared about grace narratives and weaving truth into life. You can learn about that at Hoping When All Hope Seems Lost. Grace Math… Healing wounds requires grace narratives and grace math. Grace math teaches us that: Present...
by Bob | Apr 15, 2016 | Biblical Counseling, Suffering
A Word from Bob: You’re reading Part 6 in my blog mini-series on Half Biblical Ministry to the Suffering. The series was prompted by a yet-to-be-published work in the biblical counseling field that highlighted truth-telling for the suffering, but de-emphasized...
by Bob | Apr 7, 2016 | Biblical Counseling, Suffering
A Word from Bob: Welcome back! I hope you benefit from my third post in our blog mini-series on Half Biblical Ministry to the Suffering. In my first post, I asked: “When you were hurting, has someone tried to preach truth to your suffering heart without suffering with...
by Bob | Apr 6, 2016 | Biblical Counseling, Suffering
A Word from Bob: Welcome to my second post in a blog mini-series on Half Biblical Ministry to the Suffering. In my first post, I asked: When you were hurting, has someone tried to preach truth to your suffering heart without suffering with you? Read more about it at:...
by Bob | Apr 5, 2016 | Biblical Counseling, Suffering
Fully Biblical, Biblical Counseling A number of years ago, I crafted a series of blog posts focused on Half Biblical Biblical Counseling. In those posts, I emphasized the Bible’s call on biblical counselors to: Highlight not only truth, but truth and love, Scripture...