by Bob | Jul 25, 2013 | Suffering
How We Respond to Life Anyone who reads my blog knows that I believe in and write about (and try to practice what I preach) parenting that is loving, sacrificial, considerate, Christ-like… So…this post is not suggesting that we follow the parental model of Cecil...
by Bob | Apr 17, 2013 | Christ, Suffering
Spiritual Laser Surgery: Fixing Our Focus on Jesus, Part 2 In Part 1 yesterday, I developed the idea that the Bible teaches one primary reason why our spiritual eyesight gets out of focus—blurred vision about who Christ truly is. In Part 1, we explored our blurred...
by Bob | Mar 28, 2013 | Church History, Perpetua, Sacred Friendships, Suffering, Women's History, Women's History Month, Women's Studies
Women’s History Month, Part 2: The Road to Hope Note: The following post originally appeared in Sacred Friendships: Celebrating the Legacy of Women Heroes of the Faith which tells the story of over fifty remarkable Christian women. For Part One of this two-part post,...
by Bob | Jun 30, 2012 | Heaven, Hope, Suffering
Love After Loneliness Light after darkness, gain after loss, Strength after suffering, crown after cross. Sweet after bitter, song after sigh, Home after wandering, praise after cry. Sheaves after sowing, sun after rain, Sight after mystery, peace after pain. Joy...
by Bob | May 26, 2012 | Anxiety, Biblical Counseling, Suffering, Worry
The Gospel for Real Life When intense struggles and besetting sins intrude upon your life, what difference does the gospel make? P & R Publishing and the Association of Biblical Counselors has launched a new series of booklets addressing that question. The...
by Bob | Mar 23, 2012 | 5 to Live By, Atheism, Suffering, Trinity
5 to Live By: The Top 5 Christian Blog Posts of the Week Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living. Should a Pastor Evaluate His Ministry By Numbers? Pastor Brian Croft provides a...