How We Respond to Life

How We Respond to Life  Anyone who reads my blog knows that I believe in and write about (and try to practice what I preach) parenting that is loving, sacrificial, considerate, Christ-like…  So…this post is not suggesting that we follow the parental model of Cecil...

Love After Loneliness

Love After Loneliness Light after darkness, gain after loss, Strength after suffering, crown after cross. Sweet after bitter, song after sigh, Home after wandering, praise after cry.   Sheaves after sowing, sun after rain, Sight after mystery, peace after pain. Joy...

The Gospel for Real Life

The Gospel for Real Life When intense struggles and besetting sins intrude upon your life, what difference does the gospel make? P & R Publishing and the Association of Biblical Counselors has launched a new series of booklets addressing that question. The...
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