by Bob | Mar 1, 2012 | Biblical Counseling, Grieving, Spiritual Friends, Suffering, Sustaining
Climbing in the Casket Note: This is the fourth in a blog mini-series asking the simple question: Is there a biblical model for spiritual friendship, one-another ministry, biblical counseling, and pastoral counseling? Read Part 1: Spiritual Map Quest, Part 2: God’s...
by Bob | Feb 29, 2012 | Biblical Counseling, Soul Care, Spiritual Friends, Suffering
Biblical Soul Care for Suffering Note: This is the third in a blog mini-series asking the simple question: Is there a biblical model for spiritual friendship, one-another ministry, biblical counseling, and pastoral counseling? Read Part 1: Spiritual Map Quest and Part...
by Bob | Oct 16, 2011 | Sanctification, Suffering
The Lord of the Storm When the wind and waves of life Drove my soul to find relief, I was guided by the storm To find Jesus underneath. When the storms of life betray All the promises You’ve made, I will cling to Calvary’s place; I will trust Your sovereign grace....
by Bob | Apr 16, 2011 | God's Healing for Life's Losses, Grief, Grief Recovery, GriefShare, Suffering
Quotes of Note on Suffering and Comfort Note: I’ve taken the following quotes of note from God’s Healing for Life’s Losses: How to Find Hope When You’re Hurting. These are my personal favorites that most impact my own life. Feel free to use them in your life and...
by Bob | Jul 27, 2010 | God's Healing, Grief, Suffering
When Life Is Hard: Book Review Book Details • Author: James MacDonald • Publisher: Moody (2010) • Category: Biblical Counseling, Suffering, Grief, Consolation • Discerning Reader Review: You can find the Discerning Reader review here. Reviewed By: Bob Kellemen, Ph.D.,...
by Bob | Mar 2, 2010 | God's Healing for Life's Losses, Grief, Grieving, Healing, Suffering
God’s Healing for Life’s Losses: How to Find Hope When You’re Hurting GPS: God’s Positioning Scriptures Countdown to God’s Healing: I’m excited to announce that BMH Books will release my fifth book soon (in April 2010). To read a sample section of God’s Healing...