A Word from Bob You’re reading Part 1 in a multi-part series on What Makes Biblical Counseling Truly Biblical? I’ve developed this series from Chapters 1 and 2 of my book Gospel-Centered Counseling: How Christ Changes Lives. Counseling Conversations:...
Martin Luther always pointed people to the Word of God as their ultimate hope and primary help in suffering, sin, and sanctification. The Scriptures, for Luther, are sufficient to comfort the suffering and to promote the sanctification of the saints. The Sufficiency...
A Word From Bob You’re reading Part 2 of a two-part blog mini-series on scriptural sufficiency and counselor competency. You can read Part 1 here. Here’s the question we’re addressing: “While Scripture is sufficient to provide wisdom for every soul issue, does that...
A Word From Bob You’re reading Part 1 of a two-part blog mini-series on scriptural sufficiency and counselor competency. Here’s the question we’re addressing: “While Scripture is sufficient to provide wisdom for every soul issue, does that mean that every biblical...
A Word from Bob: I’ve taken today’s blog post on 5 Resources on the Sufficiency of Scripture and Biblical Counseling from The Annual Guide to Biblical Counseling Resources—2019 Edition which includes 690 resources on scores of biblical counseling and Christian living...
15 Luther Quotes of Note on the Sufficiency of Scripture Martin Luther is famous for his Ninety-Five Theses which launched the Reformation. So, I thought I would collate my favorite 95 Martin Luther quotes from my upcoming book: Counseling Under the Cross: How Martin...