More Than Just Willpower

More Than Just Willpower

Pondering…  I’m pondering a fresh perspective on segments of the modern biblical counseling movement’s worldview. I’m wondering if a common biblical counseling understanding of people (their “theological anthropology”) may, perhaps, be “a bit off the mark.” What Do...
Humility as Biblical Counselors

Humility as Biblical Counselors

Red Pen or Yellow Highlighter?  When you’re reading something from someone “outside your group,” are you a “red pen” person, or are you a “yellow highlighter” person? A “red pen” person is like the teacher who gets out their red pen to mark up all the mistakes,...
The Counselor Sees a Counselor

The Counselor Sees a Counselor

A Word from Bob: As most of you now know, on June 4, my dear wife, Shirley, suffered a stroke. Thank you for your prayers, care, and many letters, calls, visits, emails, and texts expressing your concern and love. If you want to see updates, you can visit here: Please...
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