Job’s Miserable Counselors: How Not to Counsel

A Word from Bob: Thanks for stopping in. You’re reading Part 5 in my blog mini-series on Half Biblical Ministry to the Suffering. Here are titles/links to my first 4 posts: Half Biblical Ministry to the Suffering Counseling Without Loving Compassion Mingling Our...

What Does It Look Like to Be Like Christ?

Redeemed Personality Inventory  The goal of our lives is to become more like Christ? How can we know if we are making progress toward this ultimate life goal? What does it even look like to be like Christ? In Gospel Conversations I use the life of Christ to develop...

A Puritan Prayer of Thanksgiving

May this Puritan prayer of thanksgiving encourage us to thank and praise our great, holy, loving, and gracious God this Thanksgiving. O My God,  Thou fairest, greatest, first of all objects, my heart admires, adores, loves thee, for my little vessel is as full as it...

Our Desperate Need to Live through Christ

In my last post—What Would Jesus Think?— we talked about how we have to think like Christ before we can live like Christ—Philippians 2:5.  Today, we talk about the power behind a Christlike life—our desperate need to live through Christ.  To see our desperate need to...
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