Practicing Spiritual Connecting While Social Distancing

With the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we’re all learning about “social distancing.” However, social distancing does not and should not mean social isolation. In fact, if we are creative, we can do authentic ministry from a distance. Let’s all practice spiritual...

Saint Patrick’s Morning Prayer: The Lorica

The following prayer by St. Patrick has been variously titled Morning Prayer, The Breastplate, or The Lorica. Some question whether St. Patrick actually wrote it, or whether someone else penned it years later and it was ascribed to St. Patrick. However, for centuries...

Richard Allen and Absalom Jones: The MLK of Their Day

Martin Luther King, Jr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) was, of course, one of the main leaders of the American Civil Rights movement. What is lesser known today is King’s training and ministry as a Baptist pastor. Even fewer people know the long history of...

Who Is Saint Nick (St. Nicholas)?

The origin of the Santa Claus myth begins with the real-life Nicholas (270-346 AD), who was born during the 3rd century in the village of Patara. At the time, the area was in Greece and is now on the southern coast of Turkey. His wealthy parents, Epiphanus and...
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