50 Foundational Biblical Counseling Passages

As part of a 4E Ministry Training Strategy Questionnaire that I distributed, two dozen best practice churches answered the question: “What are the foundational Scriptures upon which you founded and based your biblical counseling ministry?”  Collated below are the...

What Makes Biblical Counseling Truly Biblical?

I just finished teaching a one-week biblical counseling small group lab class (BC 611) at Faith Bible Seminary. I asked my students to craft a 25-word response to the question: What makes biblical counseling truly biblical?  We each had about 10 minutes to develop...

6 Blog Posts with 90 Biblical Counseling Resources/Links

I believe it’s important to connect biblical counselors and to provide links to biblical counseling resources. So, at the end of 2018 and in the beginning of 2019, I’ve collated the following biblical counseling resources and links on my RPM Ministries Truth &...
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