It’s a Wonderful Life

It’s a Wonderful Life Just about everyone has seen the classic Christmas movie It’s a Wonderful Life. Jimmy Stewart plays the lead character, George Bailey, who is so despondent on Christmas Eve that he intends to take his life. He’s rescued by the angel Clarence, who...

Easter…Now What?

Easter…Now What? Though we celebrate Easter on one specific day, the impact of Easter is eternal. Easter changes everything. Easter makes all the difference in this world and the world to come. Why? Just what happened at Easter? What difference does Easter make?   ...

God Is a Rewarder, Not a Hoarder

God Is a Rewarder, Not a Hoarder Nothing is more important about us than our image of who God is. Satan understood this from the beginning of creation. His seductive scheme with Eve focused on tempting her to believe that God was a Shalt-Not-God. Satan as the Grinch...
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