Sexual Abuse: Beauty for Ashes

Sexual Abuse: Beauty for Ashes  Have you or someone you love experienced the horrors of sexual abuse? Do you wonder how the shattered pieces of life can be put back together? Then you need to understand God’s grace for our disgrace. You need a compassionate guide for...

Sexual Abuse: Beauty for Ashes

Sexual Abuse: Beauty for Ashes  In April 2013, P & R Publishing will release my booklet Sexual Abuse: Beauty for Ashes.  If you would like to be placed on a list to pre-order Sexual Abuse: Beauty for Ashes send an email to with the subject...

The Bible and Sexual Abuse Recovery

The Bible and Sexual Abuse Recovery Today I will be presenting at the Evangelical Theological Society on how to view and use the Bible in providing biblical counseling for sexual abuse. The technical title of the presentation paper is: A Theologically-Informed...
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