RPM Ministries: The VineLine

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the first “edition” of The VineLine: the e-newsletter of RPM Ministries.

The VineLine is not your normal ministry mailer that says, “Pray for me and send me money!” It’s not wrong to ask for prayer and financial support, and I will ask for prayer (see below), but I want The VineLine to be different. I want to connect and give.


I’m wanting The VineLine to connect you to each other. If you have a prayer request that you want me to pray for privately or that you want me to share publicly in the next emailing of The VineLine, then please send me your request (rpm.ministries@gmail.com).


I’m wanting The VineLine to give—to provide you with resources. So, each email “issue” I will highlight a link to my free resources and a link to one of my Truth for Life blogs.

What Is RPM Ministries?

You’ll see those links just below. But first, some of you may be wondering, “What in the world is RPM Ministries?” Well, for the “full version,” go to www.rpmbooks.org (we’re in the process of changing the address to www.rpmministries.org).

Here’s the Readers’ Digest version: RPM is an acrostic for Resurrection Power Multipliers, based upon Paul’s prayer in Philippians 3:10. “I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering.”

RPM Ministries exists to equip you “to change lives with Christ’s changeless truth” through the ministries of soul care and spiritual direction.

I seek to fulfill this calling through my writing (books, articles, free resources, book reviews, and my blog) and speaking (seminars, conferences, preaching, and teaching) ministries.

Links to Free Resources:

Now, for your free resources:

1. To read about Olympias—truly a champion in the “spiritual Olympics,” go to: http://www.rpmbooks.org/2008/03/spiritual-sister-to-church-father-much.html.

2. To enjoy four detailed PowerPoint presentations on Beyond the Suffering go to: http://www.rpmbooks.org/free_resources.html. Then move down to Beyond the Suffering documents and look under “All-Day Seminar PowerPoints.”

Prayer Partners and Spiritual Friends

Once again, if you have prayer requests, either public or private, please email me at rpm.ministries@gmail.com.

Here are a few ministry prayer requests and updates.

1. Please pray for tonight’s broadcast on CDR Radio of my radio interview about Soul Physicians—that people would be excited and encouraged about biblical counseling.

2. Please pray for the March 31 radio interview with KGFT Radio about Soul Physicians—that people would be excited and encouraged about biblical counseling.

3. Please pray for my April 10 American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) Pre-Conference (Three Hour) Presentation on “What Makes Biblical Counseling Biblical?”

4. Please pray for my April 12 AACC Presentation on “Beyond the Suffering: Embracing the Legacy of African American Soul Care and Spiritual Direction.”

5. Please pray for my April 20 Sunday message (three services) at Faith Baptist Church in Lafayette, IN on 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 on “Biblical Sufferology.”

6. Please pray for my April 27 Sunday message at New Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church in Gary, Indiana on Psalm 1:1-6 on “Blessed Is
the Man.” This is the sixth anniversary service for Pastor Charles Floyd, II.

7. Please pray for Susan Ellis and me as we are co-authoring Sacred Friendships: Listening to the Voices of Feminine Soul Care-Givers and Spiritual Directors. Our research is complete, and the first three (of thirteen) chapters have been written.

Thanks for being my spiritual friend.

If you know of others who you think would enjoy The VineLine, please forward it to them and/or ask them to email me to be placed on the group email list.

If you would, for any reason, prefer not to receive The VineLine, I understand. Please simply email me back with a subject line of “Please Remove.”

In Christ’s Grace,


RPM Ministries--Email Newsletter Signup

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