Two Keys to Unlocking the Door to Success:
Community and Commitment

In Outliers, Gladwell makes two important points about success.


First, success in any endeavor is not simply about the individual, but about the individual’s community of support: family, background, history, upbringing, networks, friends, connections, co-workers.

We may say, “Duh!” However, most books on “success” look almost entirely at the individual attributes and neglect the societal and communal. This is a “sign of the times” with our dis-connected society.

The take away: Whether online or in the “real world,” social networking is vital for “success.” Or, put another way, “Synergy is energy” as Pam Perry might say. Or, as Goleman would say, “It takes emotional intelligence.” That is, we need to relate well, to care, to connect.


Second, the communal does not obliterate the individual. A second not-so-secret secret to success is the “10,000 Hour Principle.” Successful people, whether athletes, authors, or business persons, don’t achieve success until they have put in at least 10,000 hours of work. That means 4 hours a day, five days a week, fifty weeks a year, for ten years.

I authored my first book in 2004. That’s not yet five years ago. Without a “big name” background behind it, I have worked hard for five years. I’ve made some progress. I now have three published books with the fourth on the way. I edit two Journals, etc. But, I still have five years to go! I am only half way toward my ten years. And, have I put in a half day’s work per day the last five years on writing and promoting? No.

The take away: to the turtle goes the victory. It is not a sprint. It is a marathon. At least a ten year marathon to “success” in any endeavor. Are we staying at “it” long enough? Do we endure the “dips” and plow through the mounds? Or, do we quit at the five-year mark?


1. Are we connecting? It Does Take a Village!

2. Are we committed? It’s a 10,000 Hour Marathon!

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