Are We in a Post-Racial Society?

As I always do, I appreciated and enjoyed the interview yesterday with Steve Hiller and Michelle Strombeck of Moody Radio’s Prime Time Chicago. We discussed Beyond the Suffering and the state of race relationships in America.

Steve asked me the perceptive question, “Bob, with the election of President Obama, are we now a post-racial soceity?”

My answer?

Well…I’m interested in your answer also. So…please join the conversation.

Okay…my answer…

We have made progress. Obviously, the election of an African American President, an election where millions of whites voted for an African American, is light years ahead of where we were just a generation ago.

However, we still have issues to deal with. Even since the election, I could share half-a-dozen examples that friends of mine have shared with me of racial tensions, misunderstandings, prejudice…

Just since the interview yesterday, I have received several “Thank You” emails from “new friends” (people I “met” only through the radio program and their response). They were thankful for the “balance” I brought to the issue: progress, but work to do. They shared examples in their lives of current struggles against intolerance.

Those who know me and read my blog know I am not a person interested in stirring up controversy. You know I strive to be a bridge-builder and that I strive to explore biblical solutions to relationship problems. That’s why I am inviting you to join me on The Reconciliation Journey from January 19 to February 28 on this blog. That’s why I am teaching around the country on A Christ-Centered TEAM Approach to Intercultural Relationships.

That said, sometimes we have to get the truth out there. So…what is your experience? What is your opinion? Are we a post-racial society? Are we there yet? If so, what examples do you see? If not, what examples do you see and what can we do to get there?

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