God’s Healing for Life’s Losses:
How to Find Hope When You’re Hurting

Post 28: Staying Alive to Life When It Crushes You to Death

Yesterday we learned that we follow a trillion different strategies for deadening our desires and shutting out the wail of our soul. What is biblical wailing and how does it connect to the grieving/healing process?

Wailing Defined

By wailing, I don’t mean weeping as in the complaint or cry of sustaining, though weeping often accompanies wailing. Wailing is longing for heaven and living passionately for God and others while still on earth.

Paul epitomizes wailing in Philippians 1:23-25. “I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of your for your progress and joy in the faith.”
Paul neither deadens his longing for heaven nor does he minimize his calling on earth.

Wailing is longing, hungering, thirsting, and wanting what is legitimate, what is promised, but what we do not have. It is grieving the “not yet.”

“I Wanna’ Go Home!”

How is wailing different from candor and complaint? Candor says, “I hate what has happened to me.” Complaint says, “God, I’m confused and devastated by what has happened to me.” Wailing says, “I wanna’ go home. This world is so messed up. I ache for Paradise. However, I’m pulling weeds till the day I die!”

In the situation with the fired pastor, his wife, Terri, knew how to groan. She told me once, “Bob, everything in me wants to tell Tim to never, ever go into the pastorate again. He’s so wounded, and I’m so scared for him. Everything in me wants to say, ‘I’ll never be a pastor’s wife again.’”

“I’m Not Gonna’ Stop Dreaming!”

Then she leaned forward with this glimmer in her eyes as she said, “I watched the Les Mis DVD you loaned me. Fantine sang, ‘there are some storms you cannot weather,’ and ‘life has killed the dream I dreamed.’ By God’s grace, that’s not going to happen to me. I’m not going to quit feeling. I’m not going to quit living. I’m not going to quit connecting. I’ve experienced a taste of the fellowship of Christ’s suffering and I’ll never be the same. I’m more alive today than I have ever been in my life. God’s given me a vision of ministering to other women, to pastors’ wives.”

Then she leaned back, engulfed in this restful, confident smile, almost a smirk. It’s been two years now. God’s fulfilling her dream.

East of Eden

God calls us to keep longing for Paradise while still pulling weeds even while we live East of Eden. God calls us to keep dreaming even after life tries to kill the dreams we dream.

Are you pulling weeds?

Are you dreaming?

Are you wailing—ready to go home but committed to zealous living until the day you die?

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