A Reading Recommendation

If you’re dropping in to read Part 8 in Why Some Biblical Counseling Is Only Half Biblical, I’ve decided to take an unplanned one-day hiatus from that topic.


I spent the last 2.5 hours devouring a dissertation! I know. I’m boring!

Worse yet, it was a dissertation on the history of counseling. I know. I’m really boring!

The worst of all, I even wrote a dissertation on the history of counseling (Martin Luther’s Pastoral Counseling (http://tinyurl.com/ovw588). But, that’s not the dissertation I read this morning.

I read Competent to Counsel?: The History of a Conservative Protestant Anti-Psychiatry Movement by David Powlison and about Jay Adams and Nouthetic Counseling.

Dr. Powlison is a disciple of Dr. Adams, so this is no “hatchet job.” This is a Fox-News-Like “fair and balanced, we report, you decide history lesson.

If you’ve ever wondered about how nouthetic counseling got its start, if you’ve ever wondered about why it believes what it believes, if you’ve ever wondered how it relates to other Christian counseling movements in the past and present, then read this dissertation.

At least as of the date I purchased it, you could obtain a copy by contacting Resources for Changing Lives at RCL@ccef.org or by calling 1-800-318-2186. If that does not work, then Google the CCEF (Christian Counseling and Education Foundation).

Enjoy . . . being as boring as me! And . . . enjoy learning from the great cloud of witnesses.

PS: The image above is of David Powlison.

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