Journeying and Journaling with God

Candor: Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

Note: At the end of each chapter of God’s Healing for Life’s Losses: How to Find Hope When You’re Hurting, I include two reflection/action sections. One is Your Journey and one is Your Journal. Today, I’m sharing a few sample Candor Journey and Candor Journal interactions to help you on your path of grief and growth—of finding God’s healing hope.

Your Candor Journey

1. True faith faces all of life. Where would you put yourself on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being total denial and 10 being facing all of life?

2. As you reflect on what you are grieving over, what are your external losses—what has happened to you and around you?

a. What is missing?

b. What has been robbed from your life?

c. What are you grieving over the most?

3. As you ponder your suffering, what are your inner crosses—your feelings about your loss and the trials of your faith?

a. What feelings do you associate with these losses?

b. Have you ever faced anything like this before? How did you feel then?

c. How has your suffering impacted your relationship with and your attitude toward God?

d. How has your suffering impacted your faith, hope, and love?

Your Candor Journal

1. Read Matthew 27:45-46 and Luke 22:39-45. How can Jesus’ candor with Himself, His disciples, and with God influence you?

2. Read Psalm 13 and/or Psalm 88. Write your own candid psalm expressing your feelings.

3. According to Job 17:11-16 and Proverbs 13:12 how do dashed dreams impact us? How have they impacted you?

Join the Conversation

Which of the interactions/questions/reflections most resonate with you?


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