What About Bob?

Yep, What About Bob? was the name of a funny Bill Murray movie. But it’s also what a number of you have been asking me.

You’ve been wondering where my normal seven-day-a-week blogging has gone. Some have even emailed me to say, “I had to check my RSS feed because I was sure it was broken when I didn’t get to read your daily posts!”

Over the last six weeks, I’ve posted more like three times a week instead of daily. Why? Ministry and family.

Wrapping up my book Equipping Counselors for the Local Church was quite the task–fun and worthwhile for sure, but a lot of work.

Working on the many details of the launch of the Biblical Counseling Coalition has also consumed a lot of my time. But this is an exciting ministry that will soon be ready to “go public.”

Preparing to teach a week-long modular class (M-F, 8-5) at Capital Bible Seminary has also been a pressing area of focus.

And then family. What a wonderful time with family and friends from Christmas Eve through New Year’s Day. Oh, I worked in-between those days just like most of you. But whenever possible we hosted a host of parties, attended a batch of bashes, and just plain had a ball.

I don’t say any of this to apologize, but only to let people know what about Bob? My readers have come to expect a daily post relating truth to life, and as life allows, that path will continue.

Where’s Bob?

Others have asked, Where’s Bob? They’ve noted that I have yet to post my 2011 ministry schedule.

Yep. I’ve been so busy that I’ve been too busy to even post my upcoming schedule. Here are just a few upcoming events. By the way, I’m booked already through 2011 and I’m taking dates for 2012.

1. January 10-14, 2011: Teaching a seminary class M-F, 8-5 at Capital Bible Seminary. The class is Theology and Psychology. It takes a biblical look at the important issue of the relationship between theology/the Word and psychology.

2. January 16, 2011: Preaching on Celebrating the Heroes of the Black Church at Cornerstone Community Church in Hobart, IN.

3. January 17-28, 2011: Focused full-time for two weeks on about a dozen launch issues for the Biblical Counseling Coalition.

4. January 29, 2011: Presenting my all-day Changing Lives Seminar (9-4) at Grace Bible Church of Lorton, VA. It’s a one-day, interactive summary of how to change lives with Christ’s changeless truth so we learn how to care like Christ.

5. February 7-11, 2011: Teaching five times at the Faith Biblical Counseling Ministry Conference in Lafayette, Indiana. Also a boatload of meetings.

6. February 12, 2011: Participating in the Walk for Hope breast cancer fund-raiser in Munster, IN. I’ll be donating multiple copies of God’s Healing for Life’s Losses as part of the silent auction.

7. February 13, 2011: Partying with my wife on her birthday!!!

There’s a lot more, and I’ll eventually post my entire schedule on the web site under Where’s Bob? But that’s enough to get you started.


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