Heading to NANC

I’ve attended the NANC (National Association of Nouthetic Counselors) annual conference several times. This year will be the first time I am speaking there.

On Monday night, 7:45-8:45 PM, I’m speaking on Learning from the Heroes of Black Church History: Growing as Culturally-Informed, Comprehensive Biblical Counselors. This presentation comes from my book Beyond the Suffering

On Wednesday afternoon, 12:45-1:45 PM, I’m speaking on Equipping Counselors for Your Church: The 4E Ministry Training Strategy. This presentation comes from my latest book by the same name as the session title. 

Throughout the week, I’ll also be representing the Biblical Counseling Coalition. On Tuesday, the BCC’s “Think Tank” will meet from 10:45-11:45 AM for an iron-sharpening-iron discussion of applying God’s Word to our lives and ministries. The week will also be filled with meetings with friends and co-workers, as well as listening to excellent session presentations and plenary sessions by other leaders in biblical counseling.

Join the Conversation 

If you’ve been to a NANC conference in the past, what has impacted you to the most? If you are going to be at this year’s conference, what are you looking forward to the most?

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