The Anatomy of Anxiety: God’s Prescription for Victory In Anxiety

This Thursday through Saturday I will be at the CCEF National Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Psychiatric Disorders: A Compassionate Look at Complex Problems. I will be speaking on The Anatomy of Anxiety. Below is a brief excerpt from the my introductory remarks.

Victory Over or Victory In?

My initial sub-title for this presentation was: God’s Prescription for Victory Over Anxiety. Then I was struck by something Philip Yancey penned.

“Much of what I read on depression, on doubt, on suicide, on suffering, on homosexuality, seems written by people who begin with a Christian conclusion and who have never been through the anguished steps familiar to a person struggling with depression, doubt, suicide, suffering, or homosexuality. No resolution could be so matter-of-fact to a person who has actually survived such a journey.”

I hope in what follows to convey something of what it’s actually like to be struggling with and fighting against anxiety. What does it look like to experience victory in anxiety and to do so in a biblical, Christ-honoring, gospel-centered way?

The Remedy to Take Two Verses and Call Me in the Morning

Here’s the stereotype; I hope you haven’t faced it. You share with a friend, counselor, or pastor that you’re struggling with worry, fear, or anxiety. Their response? “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” (Phil. 4:6).

In that scenario, it’s not even “take two verses and call me in the morning.” It’s “take one verse and don’t call me.” We need a much more robust, relational approach to changing lives with Christ’s changeless truth. What would it look like in real life?

Paul, who wrote Philippians 4:6, also said, “We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us” (1 Thess. 2:8). God calls us to share Scripture and soul—truth and love. Facing and fighting anxiety is a relational discipleship process, not an exhortational event.

Victory in anxiety requires a comprehensive, compassionate biblical theology of anxiety. I know what you’re thinking. “I’m struggling with anxiety and you’re talking about theology!”

Bear with me. If we’re to avoid the one-problem-one-verse-one-solution mentality and experience the relevance and power of God’s Word, then we need a biblical anatomy of anxiety.

We need to understand a Creation, Fall, Redemption, Consummation view of anxiety. That biblical anatomy lesson will provide us with the foundation we need to benefit from God’s prescription for victory in anxiety.

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How do you apply theology to life?

In your life, do you typically experience victory over or victory in?

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