The Résumé of a Biblical Counselor

All week I’ll be speaking at the Faith Biblical Counseling Training Conference in Lafayette, Indiana. Click here for more information on the conference. If you want to follow updates on Twitter, use: #BCTConf as your search hash tag. 

Since many of you will be unable to attend in person, each day this week I’ll be providing an introduction to one or more of my sessions. Plus, I’ll be sharing a link to the entire PowerPoint presentation associated with that link—that you can download for free.

The Résumé of a Biblical Counselor: A Four-Dimensional Model of Cross-Based Equipping

I’ll be speaking in Track 4 on The Résumé of a Biblical Counselor. Here’s my presentation focus:

Imagine that you’re forwarding your résumé to the Divine Counselor. What items would you highlight to demonstrate your qualifications to be a biblical counselor? This session develops and illustrates a four-dimensional counselor equipping model that unites Christ-like character (heart/being), biblical content (head/knowing), counseling competence (hands/doing), and Christian community (home/connecting). The session further equips you to equip others as biblical counselors.

For the entire PowerPoint presentation, visit The Résumé of a Biblical Counselor at my RPM Ministries Free Resources Page.

Join the Conversation 

Imagine that you’re forwarding your résumé to the Divine Counselor. What items would you highlight to demonstrate your qualifications to be a biblical counselor?

RPM Ministries: Equipping You to Change Lives with Christ’s Changeless Truth

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