5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week: The Suicide Prevention and Grieving a Suicide Edition 

Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living. In light of the tragic death of Matthew Warren, the son of Kay and Rick Warren, this week I highlight posts related to suicide prevention and grieving a loved one lost by suicide. 

18 Resources on Suicide 

Paul Tautges provides direct links to 18 Resources on Suicide 

Suicide Assessment 

Once again, I link you to a Paul Tautges post. Here he provides an eight-item list to help in Suicide Assessment 

Suicide, Salvation, and Eternal Security 

At the Biblical Counseling Coalition, I post about the question that many ask: “Can a person who commits suicide go to heaven?” Read my response from biblical insights in Suicide, Salvation, and Eternal Security 

A Different Perspective 

At the Biblical Counseling Institute, W.P. “Ab” Abercrombie, Ph.D. has a different take on “mental illness” than most of those writing in response to Matthew Warren’s suicide. Consider his perspective at A Biblical Response to Mental Illness and Suicide: What Should We Conclude. 

Life After the Suicide of a Loved One 

Julie Gossack at CCEF (this is a for-a-fee resource) writes about Life After the Suicide of a Loved One 

Join the Conversation 

Which post impacted you the most? Why? What additional resources do you recommend on suicide prevention and grieving the suicide of a loved one? 

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