A Word from Bob 

If you had just the size of a Twitter tweet to capture something of the essence of what makes biblical counseling truly biblical, what would you tweet?

I’ve been asking myself that question of late. And…I’ve been answering that question daily. Here’s a compilation of my second week of tweets—taken directly from Scripture, and starting with the phrase: As biblical counselors… And always ending with the hashtag #BibleCn for “Biblical Counseling.”

Here’s a link to Week 1: As Biblical Counselors…Week 1 

Summary Tweet 1: 2 Timothy 2:23-24

As biblical counselors, we avoid foolish & stupid arguments because they produce quarrels, & the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome, but must be kind to everyone, gently discipling people as we entrust our ministry to God’s affectionate sovereignty  (2 Tim. 2:23-25). #BibleCn

Summary Tweet 2: Matthew 11:28-30

As biblical counselors, we invite all who are weary & heavy laden to the Ultimate Soul Care Giver—Jesus—who gives us rest. Together we learn from Him, for He is gentle & lowly. In Him we all find rest for our souls, for his yoke is easy & His burden is light (Mt. 11:28-30). #BibleCn

Summary Tweet 3: Galatians 6:1

As biblical counselors, we restore one-another gently and humbly with grace, watching our own lives, knowing our own proneness to temptation (Gal. 6:1). #BibleCn

Summary Tweet 4: Romans 12:15; 1 Corinthians 12:26; Colossians 3:12

As biblical counselors, we weep with those who weep (Rom. 12:15) and we suffer with those who suffer (1 Cor. 12:26), as we clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience (Col. 3:12). #BibleCn

Summary Tweet 5: Genesis 2:7

As biblical counselors, we seek to minister to people comprehensively, knowing that we are all complex body/soul beings—embodied souls—caring for people as spiritual, social, self-aware, relational, rational, volitional, emotional, and physical beings (Gen. 2:7). #BibleCn

Summary Tweet 6: Ephesians 4:15-16

As biblical counselors, we not only speak the truth in love—we seek to live and embody God’s truth without hypocrisy, but with sincerity, in other-centered sacrificial love, so we all grow together and build one another up in Christ who is our Head (Eph. 4:15-16). #BibleCn

Summary Tweet 7: Isaiah 26:3; Isaiah 40:10-11 

As biblical counselors, we know that the most important thing about people is our view of God. God keeps us in perfect peace as our minds are focused on Him (Is. 26:3)—as we entrust ourselves to Him in His holy love and affectionate sovereignty (Is. 40:10-11). #BibleCn

Join the Conversation 

If you had just the size of a Twitter tweet to capture something of the essence of what makes biblical counseling truly biblical, what would you tweet?

Of the seven tweets from this week, which ones resonate the most with you? Why?

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