by Bob | Dec 30, 2010 | Soul Physicians
The Redeemed Personality Inventory This inventory is based upon your candid assessment of where you currently are in your process toward mature Christlikeness. Evaluate your progress toward growth into the image of Christ using a 10 for “Most Like Christ” and a 1 for...
by Bob | Dec 26, 2010 | Christmas, The Best of the Best
Five Favorite Christmas Posts This week’s best of the best: my five favorite Christmas posts from around the net. O Come All Ye Faithful Kevin DeYoung posts a beautiful, worshipful rendition of O Come All Ye Faithful. It’s a Wonderful Life? Here’s a creative post from...
by Bob | Dec 24, 2010 | Christmas, Christmas Eve
Isn’t There Anyone Who Knows What Christmas Is All About? A Charlie Brown Christmas includes television’s best ever two-minute answer to the question “What is Christmas all about?” as Linus recites Luke...
by Bob | Dec 23, 2010 | Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Santa, Santa Claus
Who Is St. Nicholas? The origin of the Santa Claus myth begins with the real-life Nicholas (270-346 AD), who was born during the third century in the village of Patara. At the time, the area was in Greece and is now on the southern coast of Turkey. His wealthy...
by Bob | Dec 22, 2010 | Christmas, Christmas Eve, Jesus, Santa, Santa Claus
Why Jesus Is Infinitely Better Than Santa Claus Source: My good friend and sister in Christ, Krista McKenzie McElwain, sent me the following comparisons. Many thanks for such a wonderful Christmas gift and Christ-reminder. Santa lives at the North Pole … JESUS is...