Truth & Love Blog
Your Personal Invitation to Be Equipped
Be Equipped to Change LivesI’d like to invite you to join me at the AACC’s World Conference from Wednesday, September 16, 2009 through Saturday, September 19, 2009 in Nashville, TN.Our Biblical Counseling and Spiritual Formation Network (BCSFN) has many equipping...
My Identity in Christ, Part 3
Who I Am In Christ, Part ThreeNote: Knowing our identity in Christ is vital to glorifying God, defeating the lies of Satan, and ministering powerfully. As you read the following summaries:*Meditate on the associated verses and on the truth they share about you.*Reject...
Who Am I in Christ?
Who I Am In Christ, Part TwoNote: Knowing our identity in Christ is vital to glorifying God, defeating the lies of Satan, and ministering powerfully. As you read the following summaries:*Meditate on the associated verses and on the truth they share about you.*Reject...
Who I Am in Christ
Who I Am In Christ, Part OneNote: Knowing our identity in Christ is vital to glorifying God, defeating the lies of Satan, and ministering powerfully. As you read the following summaries:*Meditate on the associated verses and on the truth they share about you. *Reject...
Sacred Friendships Now Ready for Pre-Order
What Can Men Learn from Women about Ministry?It's a simple question, isn't it? What can men learn from women about ministry? Yet, that one question can create tremendous controversy, especially in Evangelical circles.It shouldn't. For 2,000 years of church history men...
Between Two Worlds: Tripp: Christ Died to Make You Good and Angry at the Same Time
Between Two Worlds: Tripp: Christ Died to Make You Good <i>and</i> Angry at the Same Time
A Must Read for Women and Men
Endorsements for Sacred FriendshipsPart ThreePre-Order: The following contains endorsements from Christian leaders for Sacred Friendships: Celebrating the Legacy of Women Heroes of the Faith by Bob Kellemen and Susan Ellis. Sacred Friendships will be released by BMH...
Guides on the Path to God
Endorsements for Sacred FriendshipsPart TwoNote: The following contains endorsements from Christian leaders for Sacred Friendships: Celebrating the Legacy of Women Heroes of the Faith by Bob Kellemen and Susan Ellis. Sacred Friendships will be released by BMH Books in...
Unveiling the Rich Heritage of Diverse Women in Ministry
Endorsements for Sacred FriendshipsNote: The following contains endorsements for Sacred Friendships: Celebrating the Legacy of Women Heroes of the Faith by Bob Kellemen and Susan Ellis. Sacred Friendships will be released by BMH Books in late summer 2009. For...
Can Christ’s Gospel of Grace Change Lives?
But Such Were Some of You1 Corinthians 6:11In response to my recent series on abuse and marriage, Elisabeth posted a passionate comment which I quote directly.I respond to her comment below.What are your thoughts?Elisabeth’s Post:“As I post my first comment, I must...