Truth & Love Blog

The Journey: Day Six–Watered with Our Tears

The Journey: Forty Days of PromiseCelebrating the Legacy of African American ChristianityDay Six: Watered with Our Tears Welcome to day six of our forty-day intercultural journey. From Martin Luther King Day to the end of Black History Month we are focusing on The...

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Pro Civil Rights and Pro Unborn Rights

Pro Civil Rights and Pro Unborn Rights*Note: I "interrupt my 41 consecutive posts on "The Journey" to add a second post today--one that is timely, as I hope you will see when you read the following . . .I find it fascinating that the same week we celebrate Martin...

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The Journey: Day Five–Beauty from Ashes

The Journey: Forty Days of PromiseCelebrating the Legacy of African American ChristianityDay Five: Beauty from Ashes—The Intention of JehovahWelcome to day five of our forty-day intercultural journey. From Martin Luther King Day to the end of Black History Month we...

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The Journey: Day Four–The Ear of Jehovah

The Journey: Forty Days of PromiseCelebrating the Legacy of African American ChristianityDay Four: The Ear of JehovahWelcome to day four of our forty-day intercultural journey. From Martin Luther King Day to the end of Black History Month we are focusing on The...

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The Journey: Day Three–Encountering Every Misery for You

The Journey: Forty Days of PromiseCelebrating the Legacy of African American ChristianityDay Three: Encountering Every Misery for YouWelcome to day three of our forty-day intercultural journey. From Martin Luther King Day to the end of Black History Month we are...

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The Journey: Day Two–The Power of Personal Presence

The Journey: Forty Days of PromiseCelebrating the Legacy of African American ChristianityDay Two: The Power of Personal PresenceWelcome to day two of our forty-day intercultural journey of promise. From Martin Luther King Day to the end of Black History Month we are...

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The Journey: Forty Days of Promise, Day One

The Journey: Forty Days of PromiseCelebrating the Legacy of African American ChristianityDay One: The Journey Begins—From Victims to Victors Join me on a forty-day intercultural journey of promise. I will be blogging, Lord willing, during the forty days from Martin...

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Is Targeted Evangelism Biblical?

Is Targeted Evangelism Biblical?I received a great comment post on my blog about intercultural ministry. Please read Demetrius' excellent question. Please read my brief response. Then please share your thoughts/Is Targeted Evangelism Biblical?Doc K: How would you...

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Are We in a Post-Racial Society?

Are We in a Post-Racial Society?As I always do, I appreciated and enjoyed the interview yesterday with Steve Hiller and Michelle Strombeck of Moody Radio's Prime Time Chicago. We discussed Beyond the Suffering and the state of race relationships in America.Steve asked...

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