Truth & Love Blog
5 Top Christian Blog Posts of the Week: 5 to Live By
Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week, including Praying God’s Word, Marriage Counseling, Biblical Grieving, and more.
Book Recommendation for the Counselor’s Ministry: Christ Formed in You
Christ Formed in You reads like a modern-day Puritan manual on Christian living.
He Is Risen! You’re Risen, Too!
On Easter we all rejoice to exchange the traditional Easter greeting: “He is risen.” “He’s risen indeed!” The Bible teaches Christians to add another greeting: “He is risen.” “I’m risen, too!”
The Glorious Easter Exchange
John Flavel’s (1671) Easter sermon, The Fountain of Life Opened Up, teaches us what happened to Christ and what happened to us because of Good Friday and Easter.
It’s Saturday . . . but Sunday’s Coming!
On the church calendar, Saturday is known as “Holy Saturday.” While there are services on Friday and on Sunday, this day is traditionally a day of waiting.
What’s So Good About Good Friday?
Today is Good Friday. The day Christians memorialize death. Christ’s death. Christ’s crucifixion.
What’s so good about that?
Women’s History Month, Part 2: The Road to Hope
Facing death, Perpetua shared words of life with all who would listen. She provides riveting testimony to Christ’s power at work in the inner life of a Christian woman whose spirit could never be overpowered.
Women’s History Month, Part 1: Not Your Father’s Church History
For far too long, church history has been told as HIS-story. The strong, empowering voices of women have been silenced.
Preparing for Good Friday: The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross
One of the most powerful practices you can participate in to prepare your heart for Good Friday is reflecting on the Seven Last Words of Christ on the cross.
Book Recommendation for the Counselor’s Ministry: Dynamics of Spiritual Life
One cannot claim the mantle of “Christian/biblical counselor” without a growing depth of insight into a theology of the Christian life—salvation and sanctification.