Why You’ll Want to Read Anxiety: Anatomy and Cure
Anxiety, fear, panic, phobias, stress—even the words create…anxiety! Does anxiety, worry, doubt, or fear get the best of you sometimes? Do you wonder where anxiety comes from and how to defeat it in your life and the lives of those you love? Then you need a biblical anatomy of anxiety. And, you need God’s prescription for victory over anxiety. Anxiety: Anatomy and Cure provides you with a Christ-centered, comprehensive, compassionate, and culturally-informed portrait of anxiety. It takes you on a journey from biblical understanding to personal victory. It empowers you spiritually, socially, mentally, volitionally, and emotionally to move from fear to faith and from a focus on self to a focus on God and others. This robust approach is the remedy for “take two verses and call me in the morning.”
- Sample: Read a Free Sample Segment: Guard Your Relationship with God Your Guard
- Quotes: Enjoy Quotes of Note
- PowerPoint: For a PowerPoint Presentation Visit: The Anatomy of Anxiety PowerPoint.
- Buy: Buy the Book at the ABC Store.
What Others Are Saying
“Who doesn’t experience fear and anxiety? I know I do. This booklet has put in one place key biblical principles for addressing these common human issues biblically, realistically, practically, and compassionately. I especially appreciated that the counsel given dealt both with the details of key passages of Scripture, but also the big picture theologically of who our Lord is to us and who we are in relationship to him. Sprinkled throughout are questions and assignments to challenge your thinking and your soul. It was helpful for me both as a counselor and one who needs to apply these truths. I know it will help you too.”—Ernie Baker, Professor of Biblical Counseling, The Master’s College, NANC Certified Counselor
“Dr. Bob Kellemen counseled my heart and renewed my mind in significant ways in this helpful, biblical look at the common struggle with anxiety. I will never view or war against my self-focused fear the same again. Bob teaches us how to deal honestly with our emotions while calling us to a lifestyle of daily surrendering them to the mind of Christ. I recommend this biblical resource for all who struggle with fear as well as those who want to help others find victory in the fight.”—Dr. Paul Tautges, Pastor, Immanuel Bible Church, Author Counsel One Another
“Most of us already know that anxiety includes trust issues in our relationship with Christ, but that often doesn’t stop us from being anxious. Dr. Bob Kellemen gives the biblical anatomy of this basic truth with a concise but substantial consideration of how Christ stimulates trust from those he loves and what effect this trust has on the emotional life of a Christian.”—Dr. Jeremy Pierre, Assistant Professor of Biblical Counseling, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“With trademark readability and applicability, Dr. Kellemen has given the church a robust and relational biblical resource to use in aiding anxious, fearful, and worried people through victory in the midst of anxiety. I look forward to using this focused booklet in my counseling ministry!”—Jonathan Holmes, Counseling Pastor, Parkside Church
“So many trembling souls will thank God for the peace they will experience through reading this incredibly helpful booklet. I can’t believe how good this is. I learned a ton about myself, about my Bible, about my God, and about how to help others. I feel calmer already!”—Dr. David P. Murray, Professor of Old Testament and Practical Theology, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
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