
Biblical Counseling and the Church

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Learn how your church can become a church saturated with one-another ministry.

Learn about God’s care through God’s people.

Why You’ll Want to Read Biblical Counseling and the Church

What would it be like to attend a week-long seminar with nearly 3 dozen leaders in the biblical counseling movement and “pick their brains and hear their hearts” about how one-another ministry could be saturated into the life of your congregation? And, what would it be like to have that seminar cost less than one $20 bill? That’s what you receive in Biblical Counseling and the Church—cutting-edge, best-practice, biblically-focused, gospel-centered wisdom equipping you and your congregation to share God’s care through God’s people.

Be equipped through these empowering chapters by these biblical counseling leaders:

  • Chapter 1: A Church of Biblical Counseling: Brad Bigney and Steve Viars
  • Chapter 2: Dear Pastor: Shepherd God’s Flock: Deepak Reju
  • Chapter 3: Biblical Counseling and Soul Care in the Church: Garrett Higbee
  • Chapter 4: Uniting the Public Ministry and the Personal Ministry of the Word: Kevin Carson and Paul Tautges
  • Chapter 5: Tools to Grow Your Church: Uniting Biblical Counseling and Small Groups: Brad Bigney and Ken Long
  • Chapter 6: Biblical Counseling and Redemption Groups: Abe Meysenburg and Mike Wilkerson
  • Chapter 7: Biblical Counseling and Uncommon Community: Garrett Higbee 
  • Chapter 8: Biblical Counseling and Small Groups: Counseling in the Context of Community: Lee Lewis and Michael Snetzer
  • Chapter 9: Biblical Counseling, the Church, and Church Discipline: Robert Cheong and Robert Jones
  • Chapter 10: Biblical Counseling, the Church, and Conflict Resolution: Judy Dabler 
  • Chapter 11: Equipping Biblical Counselors for Your Church: Ron Allchin and Tim Allchin
  • Chapter 12: Launching and Leading a Biblical Counseling Ministry in the “Larger Church”: Greg Cook and Jack Delk
  • Chapter 13: Launching and Leading a Biblical Counseling Ministry in the “Mid-Size Church”: Rod Mays and Jim Newheiser
  • Chapter 14: Launching and Leading a Biblical Counseling Ministry in the “Smaller Church”: Randy Patten
  • Chapter 15: Launching and Leading a Biblical Counseling Ministry in a Multi-Cultural Church: Nicolas Ellen and Charles Ware
  • Chapter 16: Launching and Leading a Biblical Counseling Ministry for the Churches of the Nations: Wayne Vanderwier
  • Chapter 17: Legal and Ethical Issues in Biblical Counseling in the Church: Caring Like Christ: Bob Kellemen
  • Chapter 18: Biblical Counseling and Evangelism: Kevin Carson and Randy Patten
  • Chapter 19: Biblical Counseling, the Church, and Community Outreach: Rob Green and Steve Viars
  • Chapter 20: Biblical Counseling, the Church, and the Para-Church: Heath Lambert and David Powlison
  • Chapter 21 Biblical Counseling, the Church, and the Academy: Lilly Park and Jeremy Pierre
  • Chapter 22: The Missional Vision of Biblical Counseling: Ed Welch and Sam Williams
  • Chapter 23: The Legacy, Present, and Future of Biblical Counseling in the Church: Howard Eyrich and Jonathan Holmes
  • Conclusion: Living for the Cause: Ernie Baker

Gods Care for Gods People