Religion Press Release Highlights God’s Healing for Life’s Losses

New Book Promises Biblical Hope to the Hurting

God’s Healing for Life’s Losses, a new GriefShare book from BMH Books by counselor, author, and educator Robert W. Kellemen, Ph.D., LCPC, is now off the press and available for shipping.

Subtitled How to Find Hope When You’re Hurting, the book provides real, raw, honest and hopeful conversation about suffering, loss and grief from a Christian perspective.

The author is a seminary graduate as well as a trained counselor and educator, and the text of this small, gift-sized hardback reflects a solid underpinning of biblical truth and Trinitarian theology to its practical advice and keen insights.

The book is endorsed by GriefShare, an organization which conducts Christ-centered grief support groups in thousands of communities. More information about GriefShare is available at or by calling 800-395-5755.

Dr. Ian Jones, professor of psychology and counseling at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, said, “If you want a thoroughly biblical and intensely honest examination of suffering from someone who has walked the path from ‘hurt to hope in Christ,’ then ‘God’s Healing for Life’s Losses’ is just the book for you.”

Steve Grissom, founder of GriefShare, says, “It’s a treasure, filled with stunning and comforting words about God’s perspective on grief.”

The author, Robert Kellemen, served more than a dozen years as Chair of the Master of Arts in Christian Counseling and Discipleship department at Capital Bible Seminary, where he is now professor-at-large. In his three pastoral ministries, Kellemen has ministered to hundreds of grieving parishioners. He is also founder and CEO of RPM Ministries.

God’s Healing for Life’s Losses is available wherever Christian books are sold in stores, online, or through BMH Books at or by calling (toll-free) 1-800-348-2756. The book’s ISBN number is 978-0-88469-270-6 and it retails for $14.99.

The author, Robert Kellemen, is available for interviews, personal appearances, speaking engagements, or book signings, and may be contacted by e-mail at or through his website or by phone at 219-662-8138. Media requests for review copies should be e-mailed to


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